是否提供加工定制 | 是 | 产品类型 | 全新 |
适用对象 | 稻类、麦类 | 适用领域 | 农业 |
类型 | 收割机 | 品牌 | 李? |
型号 | xss46 | 喂入量 | 8(kg/s) |
割幅 | 5 | 总损失率 | 9(%) |
重量 | 45(kg) | 生产厂家 | 海安县富***械厂 |
动力类型 | *** | 功率 | 1.8(Kw) |
机器大小 | 小型 | 外型尺寸 | 5.2(mm) |
自动化程度 | 半自动 |
Xss46 lawn machine
Our factory is specialized in producing gasoline professional old factory, the factory production since 1998 with quality and cheap moped engine welcomed by domestic and foreign bicycle factory.
I plant xss46 lawn machine, simple, ***ooth operation, the user can design their own packaging, and machinery and text on each label, and patterns. Domestic trade companies, trade market, and the China border trade market price procurement agency interviews (to be a cabinet) and us, you will be very happy! ! !
Xss46 lawn machine 净重:Net weight(kg) :32.5
配套动力:Mating power 160FLA 排量:Discharging Capacity(ml) 118
切割高度:Cutting Height(mm)25-75(5档) 割幅Cutting width(mm) 460
功 率:Power(kw/r/min) 2.9/3600包装尺寸package Dimeisiom(mm)82×540×480我厂生产二冲程,四冲程割草机。