是否提供加工定制 | 是 | 推进模式 | 链条 |
型号 | 50.60.80 | 载重量 | 10(kg) |
品牌 | 李杨 | 尺寸 | 24×18×48.5(英寸) |
材质 | 合金钢车 | 用途 | 山地车 |
车架结构 | 合金 |
The machine can be mounted bicycles, tricycles, electric vehicles can be used as electric vehicles use less battery power. Strength of the bicycle factory abroad, the factory can machine three holes, four holes, five holes on the lid of the mold made of your own logo and trademarks. With us, you will be very happy! ! !
mounted bicycles, tricycles.每包装一台,***部件,发动机一台,化油器一只,点火器一只,消声器一只,油箱一只,离合手一只,离合线一套,油门转把?只,油门线一根,连条一根,轮总成?只,后牙片一片,牙片夹皮一套,牙片夹铁一套,配件包一包(内有各种机内工具,及各附件、各标准件)。
plant is the production of bicycle engine of the old plant, the production of bicycle engine has more than 20 years of history. By the quality and cheap products todomestic and internationalbicycle factory and dealers of eye gaze. I plant all the staff is willing to work with the vast number of domestic and foreign friends to carry out extensive cooperation, work together to create a better future.