E8a 调试仿真器
“芯片调试仿真器,用于Renesas Electronics 微控制器(M16C、H8、740 系列),仿照E8 仿真器型号”
CPU 以***大频率运行时可以实现实时模拟
支持记忆扩展模式(但这仅限于支持MCU 的MCU 模式)
带高性能Embedded Workshop,有助于顺利进行总体开发
USB 总线供电,无需外部电源
SuperH 系列微控制器,Renesas
Target Devices
* Some MCUs are not supported by E8a as a debugger. Please visit the following page to get to know the detailed supported devices.
>> As a debugger : Target Devices
>> As a Programmer : Flash programming tools target device list
· R8C Family1
- R8C/Lx Series
- R8C/Mx Series
- R8C/3x, 2x, 1x Series
· M16C Family
- ***C/100 Series
- M32C/80 Series
- M16C/60, M16C/30, M16C/Tiny Series
- M16C/50 Series
· H8 Family
- H8/Tiny Series
- H8/Super Low Power Series
· SuperH Family (Not supported as a debugger, ***ailable only as a flash programmer.2)
· H8SX Family (Not supported as a debugger, ***ailable only as a flash programmer.2)
· H8S Family
- H8S/Tiny Series (Debugging and Device-programming function)
- Other Series (Not supported as a debugger, ***ailable only as a flash programmer.2)
1. Some products of R8C Family are usable with E1 emulator and E20 emulator.
2. When using as a flash programmer, Flash Development Toolkit is necessary.
The E8a on-chip debugging emulator is a development of the E8, maintaining the same functionality and ease of use whilst reducing both cost to the end user and the size of the unit.
The E8a is designed to be used both as an on-chip debugger for R8C Family, M16C Family, H8 Family H8/Tiny and Super Low Power Series, and 740 Family in conjunction with Renesas High-performance Embedded workshop, providing the user with a range of debugging features as well as a handy device programmer. E8a is ideal for the modern development and prototyping environment with programming support for devices from all the main MCU families.
The product is supplied with USB host interface cable, a user interface cable, the E8a itself and a software pack containing High-performance Embedded Workshop, Flash Development Toolkit, debugger support software for the E8a and evaluation versi*** of the Renesas compiler toolchains. Supported versi*** of the toolchains are ***ailable from your Renesas supplier.
On-chip Debugging Features
Used as an on-chip debugger, the E8a utilizes the on-chip functi*** built into the device and allows the user to perform complete system debug, from MCU operati*** to electrical characteristics.
The Renesas integrated development environment "High-performance Embedded Workshop" provides the user with a common GUI front end, it supports both the debugger functionality of E8a and a variety of development software tools, such as the C compiler and simulators. The result is a seamless toolchain enabling highly efficient program development from coding to building and debugging.
E8a product is ready for system development and debugging the minute it reaches the user, the software package includes evaluation versi*** of cross tools for immediate connection and all necessary cables to enable connection to the target system are included.
Flash Memory Programming Features
The E8a supports flash memory programming of the Renesas microcontrollers using the Flash Development Toolkit, enabling the user to program the devices using the E8a as a ha***are interface.
The High-performance Embedded Workshop includes a function that allows quick programming of the flash memory in the R8C, M16C, and H8 family microcontrollers; this can be useful when building and debugging code.