远红外线的频率与构成生物体细胞的分子的振动频率相近,其能量易被生物细胞吸收,使分子内的振动加大,活化***细胞,促进血液循环,调节机体代谢,加速新陈代谢, 增加***功能,增加微循环血流量,有很好的温热***等作用。纳米远红外整理剂FRN396为纳米远红外陶瓷粉与成膜性良好的阳离子聚合物的特殊加工剂,适用于棉、毛、腈/毛、T/C等织物的远红外整理,经其处理后的织物可以吸收外界的能量,再向***反馈发射远红外线,使体感温度上升,从而使***有温热感。多家***检测机构一致证明: FRN396整理后的织物远红外发射率高达85%,具有很好的保暖性,并且具有良好的耐久性,洗涤60次后远红外发射率高达84%,对***安全,对皮肤无刺激、透气舒适。
Herst International Group is a world-famous chemical industry product supplier. Nowadays, it is leading the way in researching and developing of functional material and textile chemistry.
Hong Kong Herst Company is a unit of spread the functional material in the Herst International Group, which mainly supply the secure and superior products of functional material and textile chemistry to the textile works in the Asia-Pacific region.
In these years, the textile industry has developed very quickly in the mainland of China and it has a large field in demand of hi-tech textile chemistry. To fit in with the tendency, Herst International Group registered Shanghai Herst Chemistry Ltd. Company. It mainly supplies the product and service of Herst for the textile works in the mainland of China.
As the top brand of the textile-finishing field, Herst cherish the trust very much, which come from the customers all over the world. We shall continue to work hard to supply safe and quality product c***tantly. We dedicate ourselves to improve the health of human! 玉环