甲壳素又称甲克质、几丁质,是重要的天然***整理剂之一。它来自天然贝壳、蟹壳、虾壳、鱼骨及昆虫等动物的客体。当甲壳素脱乙酰度达到55%时,则成为甲壳素***重要的***衍生物壳聚糖。甲壳素整理剂SAL6680是以壳聚糖、活性添加剂为主要成分,是安全性很高的集保湿、美肤、***为一体的整理剂。它具有良好的粘合性、生物相容性、生物降解性、***性及特殊的吸附性。适用于各种纤维织物,包括棉、毛等天然纤维和聚酯、尼龙、粘胶等化学纤维纺织品,经其处理后的织物具有优良的耐洗性。SGS、Intertek等***多家***检测机构一致证明: SAL6680的***性能符合美国AATCC100标准及日本JIS L 1902-2002标准等。
Herst International Group is a world-famous chemical industry product supplier. Nowadays, it is leading the way in researching and developing of functional material and textile chemistry.
Hong Kong Herst Company is a unit of spread the functional material in the Herst International Group, which mainly supply the secure and superior products of functional material and textile chemistry to the textile works in the Asia-Pacific region.
In these years, the textile industry has developed very quickly in the mainland of China and it has a large field in demand of hi-tech textile chemistry. To fit in with the tendency, Herst International Group registered Shanghai Herst Chemistry Ltd. Company. It mainly supplies the product and service of Herst for the textile works in the mainland of China.
As the top brand of the textile-finishing field, Herst cherish the trust very much, which come from the customers all over the world. We shall continue to work hard to supply safe and quality product c***tantly. We dedicate ourselves to improve the health of human! 玉环