General Description
The LM22673 series of regulators are monolithic integrated
circuits which provide all of the active functi*** for a step-
down (***) switching regulator capable of driving up to 3A
loads with excellent line and load regulation characteristics.
which operates at 500 kHz. The LM22673 series also has built
in thermal shutdown and current limiting. The current limit
threshold can be adjusted using an external resistor. An ad-
justable soft-start feature is provided by selecting an appro-
priate external soft-start capacitor.
迪创科技有限公司 DigiTron Technology Limited
联系人: 王先生 手机:135 5494 6866
电话:0755-22900421 传真:0755-22900423
***: 393298913
MSN: t-con2010@