General Description
The MAX5090A/B/C easy-to-use, high-efficiency, high-
voltage step-down DC-DC converters operate from an
input voltage up to 76V, and c***ume only 310PAA qui
escent current at no load. This pulse-width-modulated
(PWM) converter operates at a fixed 127kHz switching
frequency at he***y loads, and automatically switches
to pulse-skipping mode to provide low quiescent cur-
rent and high efficiency at light loads. The MAX5090
includes internal frequency compensation simplifying
circuit implementation. The device can also be syn-
chronized with external system clock frequency in a
noise-sensitive application. The MAX5090 uses an
internal low on-resistance and a high-voltage DMOS
transistor to obtain high efficiency and reduce overall
system cost. This device includes undervoltage lock-
out, cycle-by-cycle current limit, hiccup-mode output
short-circuit protection, and overtemperature shutdown.
The MAX5090 delivers up to 2A output current. External
shutdown is included, featuring 19PAA (typ) shutdow
current. The MAX5090A/MAX5090B versi*** h***e fixed
output voltages of 3.3V and 5V, respectively, while the
MAX5090C features an adjustable 1.265V to 11V output
The MAX5090 is ***ailable in a space-s***ing 16-pin thin
QFN package (5mm x 5mm) and operates over the
automotive temperature range (-40°,C to +125°,C
迪创科技有限公司 DigiTron Technology Limited
联系人: 王先生 手机:135 5494 6866
电话:0755-22900421 传真:0755-22900423
***: 393298913
MSN: t-con2010@