This Technical Literature applies to the color TFT-LCD module LQ121S1LG88.
This specification is the proprietary product of SHARP CORPORATION (”SHARP”) and include materials
protected under copyright of SHARP. Do not reproduce or cause any third party to reproduce them in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, in whole or in part, without the express
written permission of SHARP.
The device listed in this specification was designed and manufactured for use in general electronic
In case of using the device for applicati*** such as control and safety equipment for transportation (controls of
aircraft, trains, automobiles, etc.), rescue and security equipment and various safety related equipment which
require higher reliability and safety, take into c***ideration that appropriate measures such as fail-safe functi***
and redundant system design should be taken.
Do not use the device for equipment that requires an extreme level of reliability, such as aerospace applicati***,
telecommunication equipment (trunk lines), nuclear power control equipment and medical or other equipment
for life support.
SHARP assumes no resp***ibility for any damage resulting from the use of the device which does not comply
with the instructi*** and the precauti*** specified in this specification.
Contact and c***ult with a SHARP sales representative for any questi*** about this device.