交联聚烯烃绝缘固定敷设用电缆(电线) (含普通型、阻燃型、耐火型、无卤低烟阻燃型) |
一、产品特点及用途 交联聚烯烃绝缘电缆(电线)具有优异的机械物理性能和电气性能,适用于交流额定电压U0/U为450/750及以下动力装置、日用电器、仪表及电信设备敷设用。 阻燃型电线电缆的主要特点是电缆不易着火或着火时延燃仅局限在一定范围内适用于对阻燃性能要求较高的场合。 耐火型电线电缆的主要特点是电缆除了能在政党的工作条件下传输电力外,电缆在着火燃烧时仍能保持一定时间的正常运行,适用于对耐火特性有要求的场合。 低烟无卤阻燃型电线电缆的特点是电缆不仅具备阻燃性能,而且具有低发烟性和无害性(毒性和体育馆性较小),适用于对电缆阻燃、烟密度过、毒性指数等有特别要求的场所,如核电站、地跌等。 二、产品标准 本产品按机械行业标准JB-T 10491.1-2004组织生产,还可以按用户要求的其它标准生产。 阻燃型电缆的阻燃性能按GB/T18380.3-2001标准规定公成A、B、C三种不同的阻燃类别,A级类别的阻燃性能最优,用户可根据需要选用。 耐火型电缆的耐火性能应符合GB19216.21-2003的规定。 无卤低烟阻燃型电缆的阻燃性能GB/T18380.3-2001标规定分成A、B、C三种不同的阻燃类别,烟浓度通过GB/T17651-1998规定的试验,pH值及导电率应符合GB/T17650.2-1998的规定。三、产品型号 ◆普通型电缆型号 BYJ——铜芯交联聚烯烃绝缘电缆(电线) BYJR——铜芯交联聚烃绝缘软电缆 BYJV——铜芯交联聚烯烃绝缘聚氯乙烯烃护套圆型电缆 BYJVB ——铜芯交联聚烯烃绝缘聚氯乙烯烃护套电缆(电线) ◆阻燃型电缆型号 在普通型电缆型号前加ZR ◆耐火型电缆型号 在普通型电缆型号前加NH ◆无卤低烟燃型电缆型号 WDZ—BYJ——铜芯交联聚烯烃绝缘无卤阻燃电缆(电线) WDZ—BYJR——铜芯交联聚烯烃绝缘无卤阻燃软电缆 WDZ—BYJY——铜芯交联聚烯烃绝缘聚氯乙烯烃护套圆型无卤电缆 WDZ—BYJYB——铜芯交联聚烯烃绝缘聚氯乙烯烃护套扁型无卤电缆(电线) 四、产品作用特性 (1)额定电压U0/U为450/750V和350/500V。 (2)电缆导体长期允许工作温度为900C。 (3)电缆的敷设温度应不低于00C,推荐的允许弯曲半径如下: 电缆外径(D)小于25mm者,允许弯曲半径应不小于4(D)。 电缆外径(D)为25mm及以上者,允许弯曲半径应不小于6(D)。 CROSSLINKING POLYOLEFINS INSULATED CABLE OR WIRE FOR FIXED CONNECTING (Including common cable, flame retardant cable, fire resistance cable, low smoke , low halogen, flame retardant cable and low smoke, halogen free, flame retardant cable) 1、Characteristics and Applications of the Products Cross-linking polyolefins insulated cable (wire) has the advantages of excellent mechanical and physical properties, excellent electrical properties. It is used in such places as electrical appliance, instrument and telecom device with A.C.rated voltage U0/U up to and including 450/750V. The main features of the flame retardant cable is hard to get fire or that the continuous burning of cables is very limited when it is on fire. It applies to the places necessary to resist fire. Fire-resistance of cable can operate normally for some time when it is burning except that it can transmit electrical power under normal condition. It is used in the places necessary to resist fire. The main characteristics of low smoke, halogen-free, flame when it is burning cable &wire is very low smoke emission and harmless (low toxic, low corrosive) besides the property of flame retardant. It can be used in the places with special demands of property of flame retardant, the density of smoke emission and toxic index when cable gets burning such as subway, tunnel, nuclear power station. 2.Standards of the Products The cable is manufactured in accordance with out enterprise standard. It can also be produced according to special requirements put forward by clients. The flame retardant property of the flame retardant cable must meet the corresponding demands of class A, B, or C, which is, stipulated in GB/T 18380.3-ongst the 3 classes, class A is best C worst. Clients can select any type of cable as practical needs. Fire-resistance property of the fire-resistance cable can be classified as class A(9500C—10000C/90min)and class B(7500C—8000C/90min.) In accordance with the standard of GB 12666.6.6 Clients can choose any type cable as practical needs. The flame retardant property of low smoke, halogen-free, flame retardant cable must the corresponding requirements of class A,B or C which is stipulated in GB/T 18380.3—2001. It must pass the test of smoke density described in GB/T 17651—1998, and the test measuring the pH vault and conductivity which is stipulated in GB/T 17650.2—1998. 3、Type ●Type of the common cable: BYJ——copper conductor cross linking polyolefins insulated cable (wire) BYJR——copper conductor cross linking polyolefins insulated flexible cable BYJV——copper conductor cross linking polyolefins insulated PVC sheathed round cable BYJVB——copper conductor cross linking polyolrfins insulated PVC sheathed flat cable(wire) ●Type of the flame retardant cable: Plus ZA、ZB、ZC before the type of common cable ●Type of the fire resistance cable: Plus N before the type of common cable ●Type of the lowsmoke, halogen-free, flame retardant cable: WDZ—BYJ——copper conductor cross linkingpolyoefins insulated haloen-free flame retardant cable (wired). WDZ—BYR——copper conductor cross linkingpolyolefins insulated haloen-free flame retardant flexible cable. WDZ—BYJY——copper conductor cross linking polyolefins insulated, flame retardant polyolefins sheathed halogen-free round cable. WDZ—BYJYB——copper conductor cross linking polyolefins insulated, flame retardant polyolefins sheathed halogen-free flat cable (wire). 4.Application (1)Rated voltage U0/Uis 450/750and300/500 volts. (2)Permissible continuous working temperature of cable conductor is 90℃. (3)Ambient temperature is not lower than 0℃ and its minimum bending radius is as follows when cable is installed: —for O.D. less than 25 millimeter equal to or greater than 4 times O.D. —for O.D. not less than 25 millimeter, equal to or greater than 6 time O.D. 5.Key Technical Parameter 五、主要技术参数
BYJ (FBYJ), ZR(C)-BYJ 450/750V
BYJ (FBYJ), ZR(C)-BYJR 450/750V
BYJ (FBYJ), ZR(C)-BYJR 450/750V