

所在地区:江苏 常州



产品编号:62994037                    更新时间:2018-07-28
价格: ¥70000.00


  • 主营业务:工业废气处理、油漆废气处理、有机废气处理、酸碱废气处理
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There are five common types: exhaust gas treatment activated carbon adsorption, spray paint waste gas treatment catalytic incineration, spray paint waste gas treatment and absorption, direct incineration spray paint waste gas treatment equipment, ion spray paint waste gas treatment method, and photolysis exhaust gas purification method. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of five kinds of paint waste gas treatment methods. I hope the introduction of Tian Hao environmental protection Xiaobian can help you.
First, the active carbon adsorption method, the active carbon adsorption method, has less investment in the early stage, but the maintenance cost is higher in the later period, and the paint mist should be removed first when the paint fog is much more in the spray chamber exhaust. It is suitable for the management of paint exhaust gas with relatively low temperature and low concentration.
Two, the method of waste gas treatment for paint spraying -- catalytic incineration method has high power of waste gas management, ***all occupied area of equipment and less energy c***umption compared with direct incineration method. The impurities in the waste gas should be removed to ***oid poisoning of catalysts. When the catalyst is used for a long time, the power of exhaust gas management will decrease correspondingly, and the cost of exhaust gas management equipment will be higher. It is suitable for many occasi***, such as high temperature, low flow rate, high concentration of paint spray, and less impurity.
Three, spray paint waste gas treatment method - direct incineration method, spray paint waste gas management power high, usually after the burning of exhaust gas, that is to meet the emission standa***, spraying exhaust gas management reliability. However, there are many safety measures such as preheating energy c***umption, higher cost, and need to think about explosion protection. The design of heat exchanger and incinerator is more and more complicated. It is suitable for waste gas management with high organic solvent content and high temperature.
Four. The treatment method of spray paint waste gas - ion spray paint waste gas treatment, the high power of exhaust gas management, ***all area of equipment, less energy c***umption compared with direct incineration method. There are many safety measures such as preheating, energy c***umption, high cost, and need to think about explosion protection. The design of heat exchanger and incinerator is rather messy. It is suitable for the management of paint exhaust gas with relatively low temperature and low concentration.
Application of Photolysis Waste Gas Purification Equipment in Spraying Waste Gas Treatment
Five. Photolysis gas purification method - photolysis exhaust gas purification equipment is a special treatment method using special ultr***iolet band (C band) to break the gas molecules and further oxidize and redox under the action of special catalytic oxidizing agent. At the same time, high concentration ozone is obtained by decomposition of oxygen and water in the air, and the ozone can further absorb energy to form a free hydroxyl group with higher oxidation performance and oxidize the molecules of exhaust gas. At the same time, a variety of complex inert catalysts are arranged according to the different components of the exhaust gas, which greatly improves the speed and efficiency of the waste gas treatment, thus achieving the purpose of purifying the exhaust gas.
The above is the most commonly used treatment method of spray exhaust gas treatment method, each has its own strengths and defects. Tian Hao ocean environmental protection can make a more suitable waste treatment plan and offer for you according to the actual situation of the customer, and ensure that the operating expenses will not be overpaid.



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