

所在地区:江苏 常州



产品编号:63009237                    更新时间:2018-07-28
价格: ¥70000.00


  • 主营业务:工业废气处理、油漆废气处理、有机废气处理、酸碱废气处理
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First, the spray tower is used to deal with industrial waste gas. The structure is divided into the bottom tower body - the mist removal large head, the bottom of the tower, the circulating liquid box and the air inlet. The tower body refers to the spray and filter layer, except the fog and ***all head, the diameter of the tower body is changed into the size of the discharge pipe.
Two: 1. tower bottom; - water tank. Water pump. Air inlet combination, mainly gas from bottom to top, spray circulating liquid from upper and lower two phase reverse flow into the bottom of the tower, 2. tower - refers to the grid plate. Filler. Window. Spray combination, filler can allow exhaust gas to play a neutralization absorption in the tower and liquid, depending on the gas. The window can be seen from the tower outside to see whether the spray pipe and nozzle are blocked, easy to repair and clean up, spray is the water pump from the bottom of the tower through the spray pipe to spray spray spray, permeate the packing layer into the bottom of the tower, so as to circulate. 3. foggy big head. - - grille plate. Filler. Window. Fillers play a demister and do not allow moisture to flow out of the gas.
Swirl tower structure
Three: the cyclone tower is a dust handling equipment. The structure is the same as the spray tower structure, mainly from the grid plate packing to the swirling flow blade, the first layer is clockwise spray, the second layer is reverse clockwise spray, and a cis and reverse two phase gas is changed, so the dust is flowing into the bottom of the tower, and the third layer is the demister layer of the size head. There is no way to let water flow through the gas.
Fourth: This is the difference between spray tower and swirl tower. The above equipment adopts the environmental protection PP material, corrosion resistance, acid alkali resistance, simple and easy to operate, low cost and so on, so as to achieve the best advantage of environmental protection products.
Studies show that organic matter accounts for 50~70% ratio in PM2.5, a large part of which is converted from photochemical ***og by VOCs. In the Pearl River Delta region of China, ozone is the main pollutant in the atmosphere, and organic waste gas is the prerequisite for the production of ozone. If the organic waste gas can be reduced at the root, the photochemical ***og will be weakened effectively.
Most of the organic waste gas is toxic and makes odour odor. When the concentration of organic waste gas in the air is high, even in short contact, there will be vomiting and headache, even more severe symptoms such as convulsi*** and fainting, which will reduce the memory of people and harm the kidneys and liver. And other large functional systems of the human body. Especially organic waste gas such as toluene and styrene can ***ell odorous even in low concentration environment. Most of the benzene series will harm the blood system, the nervous system and the reproductive system, and cause the injury of the blood, nerve and reproductive system of the human body, and list the harm of some organic matter to the human body. If organic waste gas is discharged into the atmosphere and enters people's living areas, it will seriously perplex people's daily life and work, and the natural environment of our survival will be affected.
Toluene is one of the most common pollutants in volatile organic compounds. It is often used as a solvent and additive in organic chemical industry. Toluene is absorbed into the body through the inhalation of steam and skin in the respiratory tract. For a long time in the environment containing toluene, there will be neurasthenia, and women will h***e menstrual disorders, skin dryness and dermatitis. The emission of toluene waste gas into the atmosphere will not only cause serious pollution to the atmosphere and water resources, but also endanger the existence of organi***s on the earth.
The main haza*** of VOCs are as follows:
(1) it has odor, toxicity and carcinogenicity, which endanger human health and cause some harm to the environment.
(2) at noon or in the afternoon, sunlight will absorb the energy of the sun to produce photochemical ***og and generate two organic aerosols.
(3) Some organic waste gases can cause greenhouse effect.
(4) some halogenated hydrocarb*** enter the stratosphere, in the light of the sun, especially the effect of ultr***iolet radiation, and a series of chemical reacti*** with ozone, which seriously damaged the atmospheric ozone layer and enhanced the greenhouse effect.



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