加纳开始执行出口加纳的GHANA ConFORMITY ASSES***ENT PROFRAM (G-CAP)产品符合性评定方案。 该由Ghana Standard Authority(GSA)发起,对于受管控的产品,需要在出运前,在出口国向认证机构提交装船前的产品符合性评估,经认证进行文件审核和现场检验合格后,认证机构签发一份Certificate of Conformity产品符合性,用于目的港清关使用。 出口商需提交如下文件给认证: IDF COPY RFC 申请表(请向我司索取) Proforma Invoice Packing List 质量文件(包括产品的测试报告、技术参数、图纸等质量相关文件和工厂,如ISO9001),全英文版; 上述文件提交齐全后,认证机构会进行审核,通过后,认证机构会派就近检验员前往货物所在地验货。都合格后,凭***终Final Invoice出证; Three methods are proposed to the exporters to dem the compliance of their products and obtain a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) ROUTE A: applicable to any goods and any trader ROUTE B: Recommended for frequent exporter with homogeneous products ROUTE C: For Certified products