净化塔:Φ600-Φ4200mm(根据需要抽风量选配) 过滤方式:逆水洗中和过滤.
酸性气体:***,盐酸,,氢***,亚***,碳酸,磷酸,冰醋酸,羧酸等;The working principle of the waste gas treatment equipment:
It is to separate the pollutants from the gas and convert them into harmless substances so as to achieve the purpose of purifying the gas. It belongs to the differential contact countercurrent, and the packing in the tower is the basic component of gas-liquid two phase contact. It can provide enough surface area to make gas-liquid flow without causing excessive resistance. The exhaust gas is inhaled by the wind pipe, through the packing layer from bottom to top, and the circulating absorbent is passed through the liquid distributor on the top of the tower, sprinkled evenly into the packing layer, and flows down the surface of the packing layer and enters the circulating water tank. As the updraft and falling absorbers continue to contact in the packing, the concentration of the fluid in the updraft is getting lower and lower, reaching the discharge requirement at the top of the tower.
Technical parameters of waste gas treatment equipment:
Air volume: 10-1250CMM (cubic meter / minute)
Static pressure: 60-220mmAQ (millimeter water column pressure)
Purification tower: 600- 4200mm (according to the need for air volume selection) filtering way: wash water and neutralize filtration.
The power of fan is 1HP-100HP.
The pump power is 1HP-10HP (according to the size of the purification tower).
Automatic dosing system: pH 0-14 (depending on the nature of the exhaust gas).
External dimensi***: vertical, horizontal, circular, square (based on site design)
Material: engineering grade PP, PVC, FRP, SS41, SUS304, SUS316 materials (according to exhaust gas properties and customer requirements)
The efficiency of purification is high: the new type of acid and alkali waste gas purification tower adopts 2-3 stage reverse spray, the specific packing surface area is very large, the mist layer increases the moisture resistance and absorbs the waste gas again. The experimental study determined the gas - liquid ratio and guaranteed the stability of the performance. The purification efficiency of acid waste gas (except for various concentrati***) and alkaline waste gas can reach 85%~95%.
The area is ***all: the acid mist purification tower combines the tower body, the absorption tank, the circulation pump and the absorption liquid pipe system into a complete set of equipment. It is compact in structure, easy to be installed and operated in the field. The area is ***all, and it can be adapted to both new and technical engineering projects.
Scope of application:
Acid gas: sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen sulphuric acid, sulfurous acid, carbonic acid, phosphoric acid, glacial acetic acid, carboxylic acid, etc.
Alkaline gas: sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, ammonia, copper hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, ferrous hydroxide, iron hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, etc.
Salt gas: potassium chloride, sodium chloride, copper chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, zinc chloride, barium chloride, ferric chloride, aluminum chloride, cobalt chloride, hydrogen chloride, etc.
Oxide gases: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, three sulfur dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, phosphorus pentoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sodium oxide, potassium oxide, silver oxide, copper oxide, Magnesium Oxide, calcium oxide, Zinc Oxide, ferrous oxide, iron oxide, aluminum oxide, titania, manganese dioxide, four Ferric oxide, etc.
Organic gases: benzene, alcohols, phenols and so on. Different absorbents are used to treat different harmful gases. If you need a detailed understanding, please call
This product uses special high-energy and high ozone UV ultr***iolet light beam to irradiate the exhaust gas, and cracking industrial waste gas such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methyl thiol, methionyl, methionyl ether, butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, two a, two sulfur, carbon disulfide and styrene, sulfides H2S, VOC, benzene, toluene, xylene and molecular chain structure, so as to make the molecular chain structure of benzene, toluene, xylene and so on. The molecular chains of organic or inorganic macromolecule odorous compounds are degraded to low molecular weight compounds such as CO2, H2O and so on under the irradiation of high-energy ultr***iolet light.
The oxygen molecules in the air are decomposed by high energy and high ozone UV UV beams to produce free oxygen, that is, active oxygen. The oxygen is not balanced with the free oxygen, so it is necessary to combine with oxygen molecules to produce ozone.
UV + O2 - O-+O * (active oxygen) O+O2 - O3 (ozone), it is known that ozone has a very strong oxidation effect on organic compounds, and has an immediate effect on industrial waste gas and other odor. After input of exhaust equipment to the purification equipment, the purification equipment uses high energy UV ultr***iolet light beam and ozone to decompose the industrial waste gas together to decompose the industrial waste gas. The degradation of industrial waste gas is converted into low molecular compound, water and carbon dioxide, and then outdoors through the exhaust pipe.
Using the high energy UV beam to crack the molecular bond in the industrial waste gas, the damaged nucleic acid (DNA), and then the oxidation reaction of the ozone, the purpose of purifying and killing is thoroughly achieved. C***idering the air purification efficiency, we choose the -C band ultr***iolet and the ozone combined corona current higher device to adopt the pulse corona discharge adsorption technology. -C band ultr***iolet rays are used to remove hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, benzene, toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, ethyl acetate, ethane, urinary alkanes, resins, and other gases, and the organic compounds are converted into inorganic compounds. The purification device is composed of primary filter unit, -C band ultr***iolet device, degradation collection, ozone generator and filter unit and other equipment and components.
Technical characteristics
1. no toxicity and no side effects. It completely surpasses the traditional ozone purifier, which can continuously sterilize and dedust in the environment where someone is present, and has no toxic side effects on the human body. The test proved that the killing rate of Legionella, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus subtilis and natural bacteria was more than 99.9%, and the inhalable particles were effectively removed to reach 1-10 million level cleanliness.
2. pollute harmful gases, and primary electr*** accelerate in the electric field, hitting the oxygen molecules in the air. When the energy exceeds the ionization potential of oxygen molecules, oxygen molecules are rapidly ionized. Oxygen loss
利用高能UV光束裂解工业废气中的分子键,***的核酸(DNA),再通过臭氧进行氧化反应,彻底达到净化及杀灭的目的.从净化空气效率考虑,我们选择了-C波段紫外线和臭氧发结合电晕电流较高化装置采用脉冲电晕放吸附技术相结合的原理对***气体进行,其中-C波段紫外线主要用来去除***、氨、苯、***、二***、甲醛、***乙酯、***、、尿烷、树脂、等气体的分解和裂变,是有机物变为无机化合物。 净化装置由初滤单元、-C波段紫外线装置,降解收集,臭氧发生器及过滤单元等设备和部件组成。
1.***无任何***。完全超越了传统的臭氧等空气净化器,能在有人在场的环境中持续灭菌、除尘,对*********。能广譜地截获杀灭空气中的各类,测试证明对军团菌、金******、枯草***、黑色变种芽孢及自然菌杀灭率达99.9%以上,有效去除可吸入颗粒,达到1-10 万级洁净度。
2.污染***气体异味,初级电子在电场中获得加速,撞击空气中的氧分子。当能量超过氧分子的电离电位时氧分子迅速离子化。失去电子的氧分子变成正极性氧离子(O2+),而释放的电子又 与另一中性氧分子结合变成负极性氧离子(O2-),结果是氧离子的两级分化并吸附中性氧分子形成O2+、O2-、O2 等氧聚集的离子群,具有极强的氧化性,可在很短的时间内将污染空气中的***成分氧化分解为无害的产物和水;
研究表明:活性自由基〃OH 的氧化电位(2.8eV)比氧化性极强的臭氧的氧化电位(2.07eV)还高出35%。〃OH 自由基与有机物的反应速度高出几个数量级。而且〃OH自由基对氧化污染物的反应是无选择性的,可引发链式反应,直接将污染空气中的大部分***物质氧化为二氧化碳和水或矿物质。实践证明,一定浓度污染空气中的大部分***物质能在很短的间内被氧化分解,转化率平均在90%以上。