Engine:WD615.69,336hp/371hp ,Euro II.
Cabin:HW76 standard Cabin,Four point floating suspension with shock absorbers,new type seat,EURO new type heating&ventilating system,CAN bus electric system,VDO dashboard,air conditioner,single bunk.
Gearbox:HW15710,10 speed,10F&2R.
Steering:ZF8098 Hydraulic Steering With Power Assitance.
Driving Axle:HC16
Front Axle:HF9 withi 9 t*** rated loading
Wheelbase:3625+1350 mm
Tyre:12:00R20,radial tyres with one spare tyre.
Hyduralic Lift of Carriage:Ventral Lifting,Strengthed T type.
Fuel Tank Capacity:400L
Fifth Wheel:90# 3.5 inch or 50# 2 inch
With air conditioner;Left hand driving(right hand driving opitonal)