我司代理DAGE离线光机:代理DAGE全系离线***机:Dage XD7500VR Jade ,Dage XD7600NT Ruby FP;代理MatriX在线X-RAY,DAGE 离线***机及MatriX在线X-RAY在线***机在汽车电子、***企业、半导体等行业中被广泛运用。市场占有率高。欢迎了解:15013574423 钟先生。
X3 Inline x-ray inspection system / 3D & Tran***ission
Inline x-ray inspection system for combined 3D and tran***ission x-ray analysis of double-sided boa*** with high package density. Universal standard system based on the MatriX X2.5 AXI system motion concept with 360o angle shot coverage. A new 3D rec***truction software features the generation of detailed, high resolution slice images.
X3 3D High resolution in-line X-ray inspection system
The X3 provides a flexible approach to inspecting solder joints on a double-sided board. Through the ***art CAD Compiler, the board is segmented into a inspection strategy automated based on non-overlapping and over-lapping regi***. In non-overlapping regi***, 2D tran***ission views are taken. In overlapping areas, either the patented Slice Filter Technology (SFT) can be used to separate the overlapping components or the state-of-the-art 3D rec***truction technique called 3D-SART. 3D-SART allows for slice image sets through the entire assembly top to bottom with the highest resolution ***ailable in the market.
Key features
- Flexible inspection techniques (2D, 2.5D, 3D) based on board topology
- Off-Axis imaging (2.5D) specific for BGA devices to check for Head-In-Pillow (HIP) or Head-on-Pillow (HOP) and Barrel-Fill detection of Pin-in-Paste / THT connectors
- 3D Simultaneous Algebraic Rec***truction Technique (3D-SART) which produces industry leading slice image resolution
X-ray system features
- 130kV high resolution x-ray tube
- 2k x 2k digital flatpanel detector on x-y motion system
- 5-axis programmable motion system Algebraic rec***truction algorithm for 3D analysis (SART)
- MIPS inspection platform for off-line programming, analyzing and verification. Including a modular test algorithm library for solder joint inspection
- Double sided boa*** with high packing density and hidden solder joints
- Power components with heat sinks
- All standard ***D s and THT/PTH components
- Specific BGA and QFN applicati***
- MCM Modules
- Cooling plates/heatsink void inspection