OK Autrod NiCr-3 (原OK Autrod 19.85)
OK Autrod NiCr-3是一种抗腐蚀及耐热镍铬合金焊丝,适用于高合金钢、耐热钢、耐腐蚀钢、9Ni钢以及低温条件下具有较高缺口韧性类似钢种的埋弧焊接。OK Autrod NiCr-3可配合Flux 10.90或OK Flux 10.16使用。[更多信息]
OK Autrod NiCrMo-13
A continuous solid Ni-Cr-Mo electrode for welding of high alloyed Ni-base materials, 9% Ni steel and super austenitic steels of type 20Cr-25Ni with 4-6% Mo. Can also be used for welding carbon steel to Ni base steel. The weld metal...[更多信息]