美国Office Depot公司简介
Office Depot公司成立于1986年,总部设在佛罗里达的Delray海滩。是世界上***大的办公用品销售商之一,提供的服务满足世界范围的顾客的需要。Office Depot在零售、合约销售、目录销售及电子商务等多种营销渠道中均处于***地位。Office Depot在纽约证券***上市,列于标准普尔500指数。
公司凭着便利的服务和低廉的价格在80年代末和90年代中收入飞速增长。在1991年4月,该公司与办公俱乐部合并,巩固了公司作为北美洲***大的办公用品零售商的地位。1992年,当公司合并了加拿大西部的加拿大办公用品提供仓库连锁店,向国际市场进军。在1998年,又适时的推行了电子商务,公司成立了***个网站:,进入了网络时代。至2001年,销售收入已达到16亿美圆,是继亚马逊之后的第二大电子营销商。现Office Depot已在全世界有900家连锁店,每年的销售收入达到100多亿,挤身***500强。公司以***位为顾客每周七天,每天二十四小时提供服务。顾客可以通过电话、传真、网络或在零售店购买我们的产品。
任务:Office Depot公司的任务是成为世界上***成功的办公用品生产商。Office Depot公司向顾客承诺:
Office Depot验厂社会责任审核清单
Document List
The following information is required (as applicable) and must be made ***ailable for the compliance audit. The confidentiality of all proprietary information will be respected. Any technologies and/or processes unique to your operation will not be disclosed.
· 工厂、宿舍平面
Plot plan of factory & dormitory compound
· 所有员工的工时记录、加班记录、工资表、计件记录、***转账记录(如适用)
All employees’ time reco***, overtime reco***, payroll journals, piece rate reco***, bank
transfer reco*** (if applicable)
· 所有员工的劳动合
All employees’ labor contracts
· 所有员工的人事档案(如入厂登记表、 复印件等)、请假/离职记录
All employees’ personal files, factory entry registration forms, photocopy of identity ca***, applicati*** for le***e, termination reco***
· 工厂规章制度以及员工奖惩记录
Facility regulati***, rules and reco*** of bonus, penalties for all employees
· 社会***缴费凭证,以及相关批文(如适用)
Social Insurance funds distribution reco***, and relevant waivers (if applicable)
· 其他***部门批准或许可证书, 如综合计时制或其他种类之加班批文(如适用)
Other approval or permission authorized by governmental departments (such as Comprehensive Working Hours System or other types of overtime waivers)
· 生产设备清单,特种设备的验收、检修记录,年检记录和使用许可证(如电梯、锅炉安全年检),各种特种设备员工上岗证(如叉车***、电工证等)
Production equipment list, reco*** for inspection and maintenance of special equipment, annual inspection reco*** and use permits for all types of special equipment (such as annual elevator and boiler safety inspection reco***), permits for employees engaged in the use of special equipment (such as forklift operators’ licenses, electrician’s licenses)
· 消防演习、消防培训记录和消防设施检查记录
Fire drill, training reco***, and fire equipment inspection reco***
· 外发加工厂资料,例如外发加工厂联系信息,外发加工记录(如适用)
Reco*** of subcontractors, such as the contact information and production process reco***
· 营业执照、国税和地税登记证、建筑工程竣工验收证明
Business license, National Tax and Land Tax Registration, Completion of C***truction Proof of Inspection
· 卫生许可证, 厨工健康证、未成年员工体检记录及上岗登记证等(如适用)
kitchen Sanitation Permit, kitchen workers’ Health Certificates, underage workers’ Health Certificates and Work Registration (if applicable)
· 员工安全卫生培训及岗位培训记录,***人员培训记录(如适用)
New employee and position-based health and safety training reco***, reco*** of special training for employees engaged in chemical use
· ***事故记录、急救人员培训证书
Occupational injury and accident log, certification of employee first aid training
· 排污许可证, ***(***)废物排放许可证, ***列表,***之物质安全资料表,废物处理程序文件(如适用)
Sewage discharge permission, toxic (dangerous) waste discharge permission
· 各个岗位风险及所应提供之个人保护用品之评估(如适用)
Risk/hazard asses***ent of each workstation and asses***ent of personal protective equipment (PPE) that should be provided for each production process
Notes: additional documentation may be required depends on the situati*** on the day of the asses***ent.