***热销FP6291LR-G1 原装***较*** 升压IC SOT23-6
类型 | 驱动IC | 品牌 | FEELING | 型号 | FP6291 |
针脚数 | 6 | 封装 | SOT23-6 | 批号 | 2018+ |
FP6291为一颗CC(恒流)模式的PWM升压IC,适用于锂电池(3~4.2V)输出5V,1A的移动电源应用。 FP6291封装为SOT23-6,工作频率为1MHZ,可以搭配3.3uh小型贴片电感,减少成品体积。 FP6291内置过温保护,关断保护,欠压保护,过流保护,并可以外接电阻调整***大电流值(0.5~2.5A) The FP6291 is a current mode boost DC-DC converter. Its PWM circuitry with built-in 0.2�6�8 power MOSFET make this regulator highly power efficient. The internal compensation network also minimizes as much as 6 external component counts. The non-inverting input of error amplifier connects to a 0.6V precision reference voltage and internal soft-start function can reduce the inrush current. The FP6291 is ***ailable in the SOT23-6L package and provides space-s***ing PCB for the application fields. Features Adjustable Output up to 12V Internal Fixed PWM frequency: 1.0MHz Precision Feedback Reference Voltage: 0.6V (&plu***n;2%) Internal 0.2 , 2.5A, 16V Power MOSFET Shutdown Current: 0.1AOver Temperature Protection Over Voltage Protection Adjustable Over Current Protection: 0.5A ~ 2.5A Package: SOT23-6L Applicati*** Chargers Displays Digital Cameras Handheld Devices Portable Products Chargers LCD Displays Digital Cameras Handheld Devices Portable Products
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应用领域:电池供电设备/ **/ LCD偏置电源/ 无线产品及DSL调制调***/ PCI网卡或插槽供电 DC-DC / AC-DC 电压检测 ** DC-DC 同步** ESD电压保护
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