***林业局保护司相关工作人员说,取得相关资质的公司可以申请进口***标本,如果属于CITES(濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约)附录上的动物种类,就需要上报***林业局批准。非CITES附录的动物,在各省林业局就可以办理申请,省林业局进行审查后,获得批准的就会下达行政许可批文。According to relevant staff from the Department of C***ervation of the State Forestry Administration, companies with relevant qualificati*** may apply for the import of wild animal specimens. If they belong to the animal species listed in the Appendix of the CITES (International Trade Convention on Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), they must submit it to the State Forestry Administration for approval. Animals that are not CITES-appended may apply for the application in provincial forestry bureaus. After the provincial forestry bureau conducts a review, approvals will be issued for approval of administrative licenses.
根据***林业局网站公布的办理“进出口国际公约限制进出口的陆生***或其产品审批”事项的规定,申请进出口***或其产品时需要提供证明***或其产品来源的有效文件或材料,包括***证、驯养繁殖许可证、经营许可证明、进出口证明书等。According to the provisi*** of the State Forestry Administration's website that deal with the “Improvement of Import and Export of Terrestrial Wild Animals or Their Products Approved by the International Convention on Imports and Exports,” the application for import and export of wild animals or their products needs to provide effective certification of the origin of wildlife or its products. Documents or materials, including hunting licenses, domestication and breeding licenses, business licenses, import and export certificates, etc.
进口咨询:刘先生 TEL:021-61762704 18721089272
邮箱:2793233667@***.com ***:2793233667
公司分布:上海 宁波 苏州 香港 广州 深圳 东莞 天津 青岛 北京 成都 大连 昆山