重庆百事可乐公司雾森系统降温设备/现货直发 喷雾降温是集低碳,环保,健康,舒适等多种优点于一身。广泛的承接了空调所有的优点,并将其优化 喷雾降温系统以水为原料,通过HP一2N纯净级水净化,使原水成为系统的***用水,保证了其所产生的雾颗粒不会含有对******的成分,让人们在享受因雾化所带来的大量负离子***的同时,不会因吸人不纯净的细小颗粒而影响健康。现在有了喷雾降温系统,就可以局部地控制大环境的温度。喷雾降温系统散发到空气中的水微粒,在气化的过程中要吸收大量周围环境中的热量,从而降低周围环境的温度,是防暑降温的有效手段。在盛夏,当城市气温达到35℃以上时,即使打着伞,戴着太阳镜,来自太阳的直射和来自地面的反射,依然让人感觉酷暑难当。而在喷雾降温系统的作用下,空气温度可降至25℃,在极端环境下可降温14℃,达到***的***佳温度,所以即使置身炎热室外,依然感到舒畅
Spray cooling is a combination of low carbon, environmental protection, health, comfort and other advantages.Extensive take on all the advantages of air conditioning, and optimize it Spray cooling system with water as the raw material, through the HP a 2 n pure water purification, professional water makes raw water system, ensure the fog particles generated by it does not contain harmful ingredients to human body, let the people enjoy because of atomization of anion care at the same time, won't because people not pure absorption of tiny particles and the influence is w with the spray cooling system, the temperature of the environment can be controlled locally.The particles of water released into the air by the spray cooling system absorb a large amount of heat from the surrounding environment in the process of gasification, so as to reduce the temperature of the surrounding environment, which is an effective means of preventing heat from the middle of summer, when the city temperature reaches above 35℃, even with umbrella, sunglasses, direct rays from the sun and reflecti*** from the ground,
重庆百事可乐公司雾森系统降温设备/现货直发特点:雾细:高压微雾喷雾咀每秒能产生50亿个雾滴,雾滴的直径仅为3~10um,尤如山中云雾,在空气中迅速蒸发,形成水蒸汽,加湿降温效果***。 节能:雾化1公斤水只需消耗6W电能,是传统电热加湿器的百分之一,是离心式或气水混合式加湿器的十分之一。 可靠:高压微雾系统主机彩进口工业柱塞泵,可24小时长期连续运转,喷头及水雾分配器无动力易损部件,在高粉尘环境中也不损坏。 卫生:高压微雾系统的水是密封非循环使用的,不会导致***的繁殖。 喷雾量:喷雾量大且可自由组合。高压微雾系统泵站的输出流量从100kg/h~1600kg/h,可进行无级调节,在流量范围内可任意配置雾头,还可以任意组合进行加湿精度的调整。